The Technologies Faculty at Kinross High School consists of three subject areas: Business Education, Computing, and Craft, Design & Technology. As a Faculty our curriculum provides learners with a wide range of opportunities to explore modern and innovative technologies. Our shared ethos is based on mutual respect and achievement. We strive to ensure that all of our young people fulfil their potential by maintaining a positive, supportive and friendly learning environment in all of our classrooms.
The Technologies faculty is a diverse and evolving area within the school curriculum which makes significant contributions towards the needs of a modern society. Our courses provide learners with opportunities to explore a wide range of growing sectors such as built environment, construction, coding, renewables and small businesses. Pupils are supported by staff who are passionate about all aspects of Technologies. We enjoy working with the range of learners within school and strive to create experiences which are challenging, relevant, engaging, and that enrich our pupils’ overall educational experience. We aim to provide real-life contexts that positively equip our learners with the knowledge and skills needed for further education, modern apprenticeships and the world of work. Our courses are designed to build: positive relationships through active learning strategies; growth mindsets using positive learning conversations; literacy and numeracy skills through a range of planned outcome evidence and personal development through clear sharing of learning intentions and success criteria. During their time in the faculty, we endeavour to develop our learners core skills of creativity, analytical skills, logic, design, illustration, ICT, practical skills, process development and presentation skills.
Visit Pathways for more information on the courses we offer at each level.
Click for a PDF version: KHS Design Technology Pathway