Transition into S1


Welcome to Kinross High School!

We always look forward to welcoming new S1 pupils to the Kinross High School Learning Community.
See our  P7-S1 Transition SWAY here

Am I going to get lost?

For the two induction days and the first few days back in August, senior pupils will escort you to and from your classes.  If you do get lost, then any member of staff or pupil will be able to point you in the right direction.

How do you get a locker?

Details of lockers will be shared with you once you start in August.  This will be done via parent pay.

How do you meet additional support needs?

For all young people with Additional Support Needs, we have received information from your primary school about how best to meet your needs.  For some this has involved enhanced planning and for others, this has involved sharing information with your teachers.  You will be supported by a House Pupil Support Team made up of a Head of House and Support for Learning teacher. 

Where do you go on your induction days?

Please report to the assembly hall on both days at 08:40.

How do you get transport to school?

School transport is only available to young people who live within catchment.  For young people outwith catchment, you and your parents are responsible for ensuring that you arrive to school on time each day. 

What do I do about lunch for induction days and from August?

Lunch for both induction days will be provided for free.  This will allow you the opportunity to sample what is on offer.  From August, you will be able to pre-order on the vericool app.  Further details will be shared with you in August.

What are the school hours?

See our school hours here

Can you tell us what happens with school lunches please?

School lunches are free during the 2 day induction period to allow you to sample the food.  From August you will be able to pre-order food via the Vericool app and top up the money using the ParentPay account.  Further details will be sent to you once your child has formerly enrolled with Kinross High School in August.

How can we get a school tie? How do we buy and collect it so we have it for the first day? 

You can buy school ties from the school shop - this is different from ParentPay! 

Will high school be fun?

Of course!

Are you only allowed to wear a black jumper?

No, our full school uniform requirements can be found here

Are you allowed to wear shorts?

Yes, our full school uniform requirements can be found here 

In Home Economics what do people with allergies do?

You will be asked to fill out a form by the Home Economics department to confirm any allergies.  Your needs will be accommodated to ensure you can still participate in the lessons.

Google Classroom

Join the classrooms here S1 Year Team Mr Baxby (Year Head), Mrs Byrne (Depute Year Head) (

What kind of things do you do in science?

You will study a range of topics including physics, chemistry and biology.  Your teacher will share more with you on the induction days.

What happens if you're late?

You should always arrive on time for school.  However, if you are late, you should sign in at the reception and then proceed straight to your class.  You should explain to your teacher why you are late.

Do you have to have a black school bag?

No.  You can choose any school bag you like.

Do we always have to wear a black uniform?

No, our full school uniform requirements can be found here 

If I play an instrument when do I have my lesson?

Mr Rosie will coordinate your musical lessons.  He is our Principal Teacher of Performing Arts. You should tell the office staff just before you go to your music lesson so that they can register you as in school but not in class.

With the Parent Council leaders resigning, how will you engage/listen to the concerns of parents?

If you would like to be involved with the Parent Council, please see our website for further details: Parent Council » Kinross High School

What is your bullying policy and how do you deal with bullies?

Please see our anti-bullying strategy here: PKC-Antibullying-Strategy.pdf (  We investigate all instances of bullying and take appropriate action in line with our relationships policy.  We work in partnership with parent/carer(s) and we educate young people through our Personal and Social Education (PSE) programme and assemblies on a wide variety of equalities based issued.

What is the school doing to provide for a more positive experience at lunchtime and allow for all students an opportunity to sit down to eat their lunch?

There is seating available at break and lunchtimes for young people to sit down.  This includes in the dining area, ‘the street’ and outside.  There are also a range of extra-curricular activities available for young people to attend. 

What opportunities will there be for students who are maybe not as talented in music, drama or sports? Are they still able to take part or is it reserved for the talented?

All young people are welcome to attend any extra-curricular activities.  There are many examples of young people discovering their talents at these clubs including our school show and debating club.

Do P7s wear their Primary school uniform on the Induction days? Or are they expected to have KHS uniform already?

During the S1 induction days, pupils should wear their primary school uniform or if they have their new KHS uniform they are welcome to wear this.  There is no expectation that pupils wear their KHS school uniform until August.

How do we access ParentPay?

You will be issued with a ParentPay activation letter to allow you to set up an account to make online payments. Look out for it in your emails.

Where can my child spend their lunch?

Pupils can spend their break and lunch times in ‘The Street’/canteen area where there are seating areas.  Pupils are able to stay inside the building or leave to enjoy the outdoor spaces.  The doors are unlocked for the duration of social times to allow them to come in and out of the building as needed.  There are also a wide range of extra-curricular activities available.

Who do we contact if we have a concern?

The main point of contact for all young people and families is the Head of House via the house pupil support teams.  You can email the house teams directly or phone the school office (see here).  The Heads of House have a teaching commitment and are often engaged in leading Young Person Planning meetings, therefore are not always available straight away.  They will, however, respond to you within 5 working days, as per the PKC communications policy.

How do you deal with pupil behaviour?

Pupil behaviour around the school is very good and we follow our relationships policy when dealing with any pupils who are not meeting our expectations.  We rely on strong partnership working between home and school to ensure that pupils are well supported to meet expectations.  You can see more information here on the relationships policy.  Our social spaces are supervised from 8:30am until pupils go to TSG; during break; during lunch and again at the end of the day.  Our team of three Pupil Care and Welfare Officers are on hand to support young people if they need it.  We also have our Senior Leadership Team supervising on a rota basis.

What is mobile phone policy and are S1 kids allowed out of school at lunch, and back in when they like? 

As per our relationships policy, pupils can use their mobile phones for learning when the teacher has given permission to do so.  There are signs in the classroom indicating when this is allowed.  At all other times mobile phones should be off and in school bags.  If parents need to contact their child during the school day, they should contact the school office to avoid disruption to learning.  Pupils can use their mobile phone during social times.

When are they getting their final timetable? 

Pupils will receive their timetable once they have enrolled with the school in August.  This will be on their first day.

What does TSG stand for?

Tutor Support Group.

How do they get from the bus and to the bus? 

Buses stop outside the school in the bus bay.  Pupils should utilise the doors which enter the canteen area walking through the internal courtyard area.  If pupils are coming from Milnathort, then there is a closer entrance which they can enter.

How many S1s are coming up? 

This year's S1 cohort is 134

What information is available from support for learning? 

Support for learning colleagues work in partnership with the house teams.  If you need any support or advice from anyone, your first point of contact is the Head of House via the house email boxes.

What does stage 1 and stage 2 for support mean? 

Stage 1 means universal and Stage 2 means targeted

Is the school Wi-Fi a secure network? 

Yes, all wi-fi networks are part of the PKC network

Is it the same TSG teacher the same way through school?

Yes, this is is ideally what will happen, apart form any staff changes during this time.

How do I get in touch with support for learning? 

Email the Head of House via the house email boxes.  These were shared with you on the parent information evening via the personalised letter.

Are mobile phones allowed during lunch break? 


Do kids wear PE kit to school or get changed at school?

There are facilities to change in PE