Senior Phase


The course choice made in March is a provisional choice. However in order to make the best possible start to the courses when the new session’s timetable begins in early June, it is important that pupils consider the options carefully to make the right choice for them.

There will be a chance to finalise the course choice on returning to school in August after pupils have received the results of National Qualification assessment process.

Pupils moving into S5 have the opportunity to choose five subjects to study. In the majority of cases these will be subjects that they have studied in S4 and are taking to the next level of study. They will also have two periods of core PE, Study Skills and PSE.

Pupils moving into S6 will have an opportunity to choose four subjects to study. The fifth choice is left blank to allow for a Study column which includes a period of Social Education to allow for preparations such as UCAS training. S6 pupils are also timetabled for Achievement which allows them time to lead aspects of school improvement and work with others as a committee.

Pupils in S6 can take “crash” Highers. These are subjects in which they have had no previous qualification experience.

Pupil Support teachers will be working with every pupil in PSE and on a 1:1 basis to ensure choices are informed and appropriate.

Senior Phase Course Choice Schedule 2025

Capture Senior Phase

Course Choice Form

Please contact your child's House Team for S6 course choice

Choosing Courses

English and Literacy 

Expressive Arts

Health and Wellbeing 

Maths and Numeracy 

Modern Languages 


Social Subjects


Skills Development Scotland Support

Skills Development Scotland careers advisers provide careers information and advice digitally and by phone.

You’ll also find lots of helpful tools and information to help with course choices on the careers service website, My World of Work.

You can also contact your local centre to speak to an adviser or call the SDS helpline on 0800 917 8000.

Foundation Apprenticeship Toolkit

Please see this information on Foundation Apprenticeships

Non-viable Courses

Please note that not all Courses on the Course Choice form may run; if the number of pupils opting for a course is low, then it may not be viable to run the course. Pupils who have chosen a non-viable course(s) will be required to amend their course choice and will be notified as soon as possible.

Over-subscribed Courses

If there are too many pupils opting for a course then a selection process may be used to bring the class number down to the legal maximum size. (Non-practical class maximum = 30 pupils, practical class maximum = 20). This selection process will most probably be based on prior attainment of grades. Pupils who do not pass the selection process will be required to amend their course choice and will be notified as soon as possible.

Range of Subjects and Levels

Although we deploy our staffing and accommodation to best meet the needs of the vast majority of our pupils, we are not always able to offer all subjects and levels that pupils and parents/carers may wish us to. However, we do endeavour to offer all our pupils a wide variety of subjects at differing levels, enabling each young person to make well informed choices in continuing their education at Kinross High School. 

We encourage pupils to continue their education into S5 and S6 and expect a high level of commitment to working towards their qualifications in preparation for life beyond KHS, whether that means transitioning to college, university, training or employment.

It is important to give careful consideration to your course choices with the support of parents/carers, Pupil Support staff, careers advisors, teachers and so on, in order to choose the right pathway for you.



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