School Uniform

The Kinross High School uniform is something that our young people are proud to wear.  The uniform distinguishes young people from the wider community who use the Campus.  Therefore, in addition to promoting school identity, wearing uniform is important for maintaining our security.


What is the uniform?

Black shoes, Black bottoms, White shirt, School tie - see our shop

Optional Items

Black top (tie visible) and/or Purple blazer 

Ties and Blazers

Ties and very good quality pre-loved blazers can be ordered through the school shop. Blazers are available from 

We encourage all pupils to wear a school blazer. Please note that blazers are encouraged for wear by S6 prefects.

The blazers are made from washable polyester so they are comfortable, light and easy to wear. Anyone wishing to donate their blazer should hand it in to the school office.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are trainers acceptable as black shoes?

We want young people to wear comfortable footwear.  Black trainers are acceptable as footwear and we ask that all footwear is plain and logo free.

What type of black bottoms can be worn to school?

We want young people to be comfortable in school so there are a range of items that young people can choose to wear. Examples include skirts, trousers, shorts, leggings, fleece bottoms etc.  Each should be plain and logo free and in all cases the items should be worn modestly. Jeans are permitted but can fade with washing. Parents are asked to ensure that if jeans are chosen they retain their black colour.  Ripped jeans are not appropriate for school.

What type of neckline should the back top have?

The key aspect is that the tie should be visible.  This means that there are a range of suitable necklines that could be chosen including V-neck and zipped tops.  Tops can include cardigans, jumpers or gilets.  Whichever top is chosen it should be plain and logo free.

What happens if there are concerns about the uniform worn by a young person?

Our TSG teachers know the young people in their TSG group well.  This member of staff is well placed to have a conversation with a pupil if there are concerns about their uniform.  If they are unable to resolve the concern they will seek support from the House Pupil Support team who may contact home as appropriate.

What should pupils wear if they are on a school trip?

Some trips require young people to wear the school uniform.  There will be other occasions when different clothing will be needed.  In each case, the trip organiser will advise attendees of the clothing that will be required.

Are blazers required for formal occasions?

Blazers are optional items available to be worn by all pupils. They are required for certain roles e.g. Prefects / Captains. For formal occasions e.g. performance at concerts, awards evening, representing the school etc young people may be asked to wear shirt sleeves and a tie.  They may also be asked to wear a blazer if they have one.  In such cases staff will advise the young person of expectations of dress.

Can outdoor clothing be worn in classrooms?

It is important for security that all young people are easily identified by their uniform.  Therefore, all outdoor clothing should be removed within the teaching block (corridors and classrooms).  This includes removing hats and scarves.  Lockers are available if young people do not wish to carry outdoor items.

What can be worn in the teaching block during the winter?

The Campus is a modern building and our teaching areas are kept at a comfortable temperature throughout the year.  If pupils wish to wear additional items for warmth they should wear either a black top (tie visible) or a blazer.  Both of these items are clearly identifiable as school dress and maintain our security within the teaching block.

Do all pupils wear the same tie?

There are two ties worn by pupils in the school. There is a striped tie for pupils in S1-4 and a purple school tie with a crest for senior pupils (S5-6).

To reduce costs, could we have one school hoodie rather than multiple items?

(Currently there are different hoodies for each trip, extra curricular clubs and for PE). This is an excellent suggestion; we will work with the school community to investigate one school hoodie that can be used for these purposes.

I am on a low income.  Is there support available for the purchase of uniform items?

You can apply for a school clothing grant from the local authority

Broke not Broken have a School Uniform Bank. This is open to any child attending school in Kinross-shire.

Where can I buy the school tie and blazer?

Ties can be ordered through the school shop. Blazers are available from Stevensons

PE Kit

What is the dress code for PE?

The PE dress code includes a white t-shirt, purple or white shorts or black shorts or leggings.  Items for the PE kit can be ordered from Schoolwear Made Easy - Scotland's leading schoolwear supplier.

Please note, plain versions of the PE kit (i.e. without badge) are acceptable and are available widely from other stockists.

Comfortable sports trainers are also required.