Parent Council

A Parent Council is not an exclusive group with special rights, but is made up of parent and carer volunteers who aim to serve on behalf of the whole Parent Forum and all our young people at KHS. The constitution can be found by following the link below.  

KHSPC Constitution 

Parent Council Handbook

Please see the Parent Council Handbook here.

Parent Council Grants

The Parent Council seeks to distribute funds to initiatives that will enhance the high school pupil experience.
There are no restrictions on initiatives for which funding can be applied, or the amount that can be applied for.
However, funding will not be allocated to initiatives that fall within the core curriculum and which should be funded by the local authority.

Application form for funding grants

Recent Documents  

Minutes from the meeting on 4 June 2024
Statement from the Chair 4 June 2024

Headteacher's Updates 28 May 2024

KHS Parent Council Archive

For previous reports and policies, click here.